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January of 2018:
“Management as a Liberal Art:
A Functioning Society” 
Peter F. Drucker Academy Luncheon Reception was successfully hosted!

“Management as a Liberal Art (MLA): A Functioning Society” Peter F. Drucker Academy Luncheon Reception was successfully hosted on Jan 18th, 2018. The event was attended by nearly 60 honorable guests, including Prof. Edward Chen, Centennial College Council Chairman; Prof. William Lee, President of Centennial College; Prof. Chan Wing Wah, Vice-President and Director of School of Management of Centennial College; Prof. Simon Ho, President of Hang Seng Management College; Dr. Victor Lee, Executive Director of The Hong Kong Management Association; Mr. Sunny Cheung, CEO of Octopus Holdings Ltd; Ms. Caroline Mak; Prof. Edmund Kwok; Ms. Katherine Hung, Independent Non-Executive Director of Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd;  Mr. Sunny Wong, Executive Director of Tibet Water Resources Ltd; Ms. Smile Cheung, Founder and Director of Smile Training and Development; Mr. Walter Tsui, Co-Founder of CareER; Mr. Andrew Tsui, Chairman of Korn/Ferry International’s Hong Kong and Southern China; Pastor Stephen Lee, City Pastor of Saddleback Church Hong Kong; Mr. Ko Tin Lung, Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company; Dr. Royce Yuen, CEO of MaLogic. We would like to express our gratitude for the participation of all guests, who jointly made this memorable event happen.  

The Luncheon Reception started with the Welcoming Speech delivered by Dr. Darwin Chen, Board Chairman of Peter F. Drucker Academy. He expressed his appreciation for collaborative efforts of working partners in the past year for MLA Conference, MLA Symposium and MLA radio programs etc., and creating social impact in the community and society at large... ...

DA News

DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
DAHK Luncheon Reception 2018
October of 2017:
MLA Conference: Revitalization and Localization ended successfully

Management as a Liberal Art Conference: Revitalization and Localization, jointly organized by Peter F. Drucker Academy and Hang Seng Management College was held successfully on Oct 13th.


Prof. Simon Ho, President of Hang Seng Management College delivered the welcome speech to the audiences, covered the importance of MLA Education, he stated that MLA Education enabled us “to adopt a multi-disciplinary perspective to see things,” and ultimately became better leaders for the society.


It was followed with the keynote speech given by Dr. Darwin Chen, Board Chairman of Peter F. Drucker Academy, who addressed on the significance of Drucker’s ideology of “Management as a Liberal Art” to the business sector, government, and non-profit organizations, as well as the development of China at large. He emphasized that “every person should be given the opportunity to develop"......


MLA Conference

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Photo of the Panel

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Mr. Shao

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Panel sharing

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Panel sharing

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Dr. Darwin Chen

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Dr. Julia Wang

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Ms. Katherine Hung

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Prof. Peter Ping Li

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Prof. Dai Yi Feng

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Prof. Michael Lindsay

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

Ms. Ruthia Wong

MLA Conference

MLA Conference

October of 2017:
Peter F. Drucker Academy and Hang Seng Management College present
MLA Conference – “Revitalization & Localization”

Peter F. Drucker Academy and Hang Seng Management College jointly host the MLA Conference – Revitalization &Localization, on October 13th, from 9am to 5pm, at Fung Yiu King Hall (A401), S H Ho Academic Building of Hang Seng Management College.


We will be introducing Peter Drucker’s management philosophy, in particular his belief that management should be taught and practiced as a liberal art. We hope to nurture our future leaders with MLA values including moral concerns and ethical considerations in business management.


We will bring speakers and panelists from USA, Europe, Mainland China as well as local academics, entrepreneurs and executives. The conference deliberations will focus on the following themes:

  • Drucker and Management as a Liberal Art (MLA)

  • MLA: Classical Roots and Contemporary Practices, China and Europe

  • Reality and Practice: Practitioner’s MLA Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • Effective Leadership through a Lens of Humanity


The Conference is conducted in English.

The Conference is free-of-charge and open for public registration. We have arranged complimentary lunch buffet, and Shuttle bus pick-up service, which departs from Admiralty MTR station and Kowloon Tong MTR Station respectively.


Due to limited number of seats, all seats are provided on first-come-first-serve basis.

Please contact us at 2850-6620 for enquiries.

Free Registration:

September of 2017:
MLA Symposium ended successfully

The MLA Symposium, jointly organized by Peter F. Drucker Academy and Centennial College, has come to an end, and recorded a full-house. Sincerely thanks to all of the participated hosts, guest speakers and audiences!

Please watch the replay of the Symposium at DAHK Facebook:

Part 1:
Keynote Speech:

Prof. William Lee, President of Centennial College
Prof. Edward Chen , Chairman of Council of Centennial College 
Prof. Joseph A. Maciariello, Research Director of Drucker Lab
Mr. Bernard Chan, President of Asia Financial Holdings Ltd.

Part 2:

Panel 1: People
Ms. Ruthia Wong, Vice President and General Manager Hong Kong, 
Mead Johnson Nutrition (HK) Ltd
Guest Speakers: 
Ms. Smile Cheung, Founder and Director of Smile Training and 
Mr. Ko tin lung, Artistic Director of Chung Ying Theatre Company 
Ms. Caroline Mak, Former Director of Dairy Farm Management Services Ltd
Ms. Bonnie So, Hong Kong Red Cross Secretary General 
Mr. Andrew Tsui, Chairman of Korn/Ferry International’s Hong Kong and 
Southern China
Mr. Sunny Wong, Executive Director of Tibet Water Resources Ltd

Panel 2: Wealth Creation
Dr. Royce Yuen, CEO of MaLogic 
Guest Speakers: 
Mr. Sunny Cheung, CEO of Octopus Holdings Ltd 
Mr. David Fong, Managing Director of Hip Shing Hong (Holdings) 
Company Ltd 
Mr. Chong Got, Former Senior Corporate Director of Dah Chong Hong 
Holdings Ltd
Pastor Stephen Lee, City Pastor of Saddleback Church Hong Kong
Mr. Walter Tsui, Co-Founder of CareER
Prof. Chan Wing Wah, Vice-President and Director of School of 
Management at the Centennial College

MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium
MLA Symposium

Date: September 21st
Time: 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Venue: Wang Gungwu Theatre, 
Graduate House of the University of Hong Kong

We have invited Prof. Joseph A. Maciariello, Director of Research of Drucker Lab; Mr. Bernard Chan, President of Asia Financial Holdings; and Prof. Edward Chen, Council Chairman of Centennial College as Keynote Speakers.

All of the honorable guests of the radio program “MLA on Air” are invited as Plenary Speakers to share their insights on the theme: “Wealth Creation” and “People” respectively. Audiences will have opportunities to interact with speakers during the Symposium.

The Symposium is free-of-charge and open for public registration.
Please contact us at 2850-6620 or for registration and enquiry.

Due to limited number of seats, all seats are provided on first-come-first-served basis.

Online Registration:

Peter F. Drucker Academy joins hands with Centennial College on presenting the Enterprise Management Radio Program “Management as a Liberal Art”, and it is on air from 9pm-10pm every Sunday night.


We are honored to have management expert, Dr. Royce Yuen, and Vice-President of a multinational corporation, Ms. Ruthia Wong, as our guest hosts for the program. Each episode we would invite an outstanding senior executive and prominent figure from different fields in Hong Kong to be our guest speaker, who will share with us on their ups-and-downs in their remarkable careers, and how they deal with the ever-changing market environment.


This week we have Board Chairman of Peter F. Drucker Academy, Dr. Darwin Chen, as our guest speaker. Over the course of 40-years career, Dr. Darwin Chen had been leading various governmental departments, and participated in the Sino-British negotiations over Hong Kong’s returns to China in the 80’s. As early as the 1970s, Dr. Chen has introduced and applied Drucker’s management practice into the Hong Kong government body.


Drucker’s concept of “Management as a Liberal Art”, is built on the “People-Oriented” management approach, which emphasizes that a true leader must obtain recognition and trust from all stakeholders, whilst adjust the mission and strategy along with the social change.


Drucker’s management philosophy helps Dr. Chen make effective decisions when managing both governmental and NGO organizations; which drives him to advocate the Drucker’s practice of management as a liberal art to the community, so as to actualize Drucker’s vision of creating a sustainable and healthy society through management. 


This series of interview is broadcasted this Sunday on Sep 17th. 

Besides listening to the Radio Live Broadcast, you can also log onto official website of Metro Radio for Online Live Broadcast at :

If you are listening through smart phone, please download Metro Radio App through:

iPhone:  Download Linkage
Android:  Download Linkage

September of 2017:
Peter F. Drucker Academy & Centennial College present
“Management as a Liberal Art ”
Management as a Liberal Art
Management as a Liberal Art

Guest Speaker:
Dr. Darwin Chen

Board Chairman of Peter F. Drucker Academy

June of 2017:
Drucker Academy enters into partnership of “HSMC- MLA Initiatives” with Hang Seng Management College

Drucker Academy (DAHK) and Hang Seng Management College (HSMC) signed on the “HSMC – MLA Initiatives” (MLAI) partnership agreement on 23rd June 2017 (Friday). Dr. Darwin Chen, Board Chairman of DAHK, Professor Simon S.M. Ho, President of HSMC, as well as senior management and faculty members of both DAHK and HSMC attended the signing ceremony.


The objective of this collaboration aims at promoting “Management as a Liberal Art” initiated by Peter F. Drucker, the Father of Modern Management, to the university students through the “HSMC – MLAI” scheme; whilst open up the gateway to essence of eastern and western management wisdom to the young professionals. This collaboration is among the pioneers in the region to provide “Management as a Liberal Art” teaching in higher education system. DAHK and HSMC share the vision of cultivating future leaders who are well-endowed with extensive MLA knowledge and competencies.


Starting from the coming academic year onward, HSMC will offer two new elective modules, “Management as a Liberal Art: Back to the Human Side” and “Management as a Liberal Art: Towards a Better Society” to the undergraduate students.

“Management and Innovation Forum 2016” jointly organized by Peter F. Drucker Academy and Centennial College was successfully held on Dec. 13, 2016 at Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong.


The MOU signing ceremony for four parties including Peter F. Drucker Academy, Drucker School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, HKU SPACE, and Centennial College was taking place during the forum. Drucker Academy will work with partners to promote “Management as a liberal art” practice in greater China region.

Group photo - HSMC-MLAI Partnership
Signing ceremony photo
Prof. Simon Ho
Dr. Darwin Chen
Prof. Irene Chow
Ms. Julia Wang
Management and Innovation Forum 2016
Dr. Thomas Horan
Management and Innovation Forum 2016
Prof. Joseph Maciariello
Management and Innovation Forum 2016
Dr. Royce Yuen
Mr. Sunny Wong
Dr. Thomas Horan
Panel Discussion
Management and Innovation Forum 2016
Management and Innovation Forum 2016
Management and Innovation Forum 2016

Peter F. Drucker Academy signed the coopreration agreement with City University of Macau on 7th January in 2016, both institutes will join hands to promote the Drucker Executive Development Program (DRUCKER EDP), aiming at fostering the management abilities and skills of management executives of enterprises and organizations.


Peter. F. Drucker Academy aims at continuing the legacy of the “Father of Modern Management” Peter F. Drucker, advocates to spread the teaching of Drucker management theories and philosophy to governmental organizations, NGO and enterprises.


Should you have any enquires regarding the Drucker EDP programs, please call Peter F. Drucker Academy at (852) 2850-6620 or City University of Macau at (853) 8590-2744 , (853) 8590-2746.

DA Video
Management and the pursuit of ultimate truth


Mr Shao Ming Lo, Founder of Peter F. Drucker Academy and Chairman of Bright China Group, shares the reasons behind his determination of introducing Drucker's management theories into China, and explains why Drucker’s philosophy is greatly praised.​

The Last interview of Peter F. Drucker


In the last interview with Peter F. Drucker, he talked on his views of life, and made a conclusion for his brilliant life.

Cecily Drucker talks on magical moments of Drucker’s life


Cecily Drucker, daughter of Peter F. Drucke and the representative of the Drucker family, shares with us some of magical moments of her father’s life, and takes a glimpse of his reading habit and learning method.

Dr. Bill Pollard talks on the people-oriented Drucker management theories


Dr. Bill Pollard, founder of Forbes 500 companies, The ServiceMaster, is a close friend and follower of Drucker, whose management method and style are greatly influenced by Drucker. Dr. Pollard believes that a leader should be responsible for the development of employees, and take up social responsibilities while making profits for the enterprise.

Rick Wartzman shares on timeless Drucker's management wisdom


Rick Wartzman, the executive director of Drucker Institute at Claremont Graduate University, explains the ideology of Drucker's management theories, and suggests that an enterprise can only innovate and evolve by holding onto its core values.

Address: Unit 07,

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                 No. 50 Wong Chuk Hang Road,

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