Effective Executive
Course Introduction
Drucker believes that effectiveness can be acquired. This course explores the key managerial roles that a manager needs to fulfill, while strengthens one’s self-control by improving abilities of time management and prioritization, etc.; in order to optimize performance at work.
Teaching Method
Interactive teaching styles incorporating case studies and practical application of Drucker management theories.
Course Objectives
Optimizing work performance by improving abilities of time management, effective execution, interpersonal relationship, etc.
Target Learners
Executive management or decision-makers of a company; or individuals with management experience.
Course Duration
2 Days (14 Hours)
Module Outlines
Learning Objectives
Unit 1
Time Management
Unit 2
The Spirit of Contribution
Unit 3
Concept and practice of performance-based Time Management
3 steps to achieve effective Time Management
6 factors leading to time-wasting
Making the most of your time
Understanding and grasping effective Time Management
Consolidate time blocks, leave space for deep thinking and communications
Management style that emphasizes individual contributions and performance
3 factors of creating contributions
7 dimensions of managerial contributions
Optimizing performance of the organization
Key to be Great: looking forward to future and grasping opportunities
What you can do, and why you do it
Focus on business opportunities, learn to let go of unimportant tasks
Understanding goal and mission of an organization; learning to set goals according to performance expectation
Understanding values of knowledge workers through grasping concepts of contribution and importance of optimizing performance
Fostering competent subordinates
Understanding the key to effectiveness: Concentration
Understanding the principles of prioritization and centralization
Prioritizing tasks to avoid work overload
Unit 4
Making the most of strengths of others
Human resource management based on strengths of individual, helping ordinary people to produce extraordinary results
4 principles of effective Human Resource management
Understanding the human resource management which is based on identifying individual strengths
Ways to manage superior and oneself
Take responsibility for interpersonal relationship
Maximizing individual potentials to enhance group performance
Unit 5
Effective Decision-making
Effective decision-making is the responsibility of manager
Decision-making is a systematic process
5 elements of effective decision-making
Recognizing common mistakes in process of decision-making
Differentiating strategic problem and chronic problem before solving it mindlessly
Ways to solve chronic problems
Building strategy by understanding concepts of sensible compromise, identifying borderline and analyzing feedback