Mr. Shao Ming Lo
Founder of
MLA Academy
Chairman of
Bright China Group
A Word from our Founder
As you may know, our Academy was founded with the help of the "Father of Modern Management ", Mr Peter F. Drucker. In the summer of 1999, I brought him a proposal that unfolded my dream: a management institution for existing leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs. Looking back, the idea sounded vague and immature. Mr Drucker, however, was deeply moved by it. He said "If I were ten years younger, I would join you to establish this Academy in China. Regretfully my old age does not allow me to travel, but I can be your advisor. Come to me anytime, and I would be glad to help as long as I live." At the end of that year, we founded Bright China Management Institute in Beijing.
As we lacked experience at the beginning of our venture, our path was wavered by different ideas from professional educators. Mr Drucker however reminded us that, “Professors and principals of graduate business schools often care more about the education of business leaders for the already successful large companies than the improvement of the society and the overall economy. China is a big country and may be in need of large companies. Yet like many other countries, 90% of our organizations are small or medium sized local companies. Their healthy functioning is instrumental to the stability of our society. It is not our goal to create a world-class business school to catch up with the West. Our Academy aims to foster a management culture that focuses on effectiveness. As a large country, China faces a shortage of well-educated people. But we do have a large pool of highly adaptable individuals who have survived even under the most difficult circumstances. They have great potentials but they thirst for knowledge. We are here to serve these individuals, and our goal will not change.”
Mr Drucker already passed away while I wrote this letter, but his advice stayed fresh on my mind. Why did you come to learn with us? Why do we establish an academy? How should we design our programs and activities to suit your needs? What kind of teachers should be hired for these programs? And how should we arrange the time and location for study?
Every question prompts us to innovate. Hence, the programs being offered to you today are different from the traditional graduate business school programs. We attempt to answer the "Why” questions of management, before addressing the "What” and “How” questions of management. Our programs rooted in the original, practical and forward-looking Drucker management theories, with the mission "to make the study and practice of Drucker's legacy available to Chinese knowledge workers". In particular, we sincerely hope to arouse our students' awareness of social responsibility in an effort to achieve a prosperous, fair and healthy society.
Lastly, we earnestly look forward to receiving your comments on our programs: Which part of the program do you find useful? What new knowledge or tools do you need? How can the teaching and learning experience be improved? Please tell us truthfully, as our Academy is founded for you at the will of Mr Drucker.
May I wish you all the best in your endeavors!