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MLA Fellows

Dr. Peter M. Senge

Author of “The Fifth Discipline”

“The purpose of an enterprise is never making money. And I think a lot of the best innovators inside big companies, the reason they succeed is that they really understand the theory of their business.”

Mr. A.G. Lafley


“Drucker’s basic rule was the importance of serving consumer, he likes to say,‘The Purpose of business is to create and serve customers.’ Peter’s idea has become a part of P&G.“

Mr. Bob Buford

Founder, Leadership Network

“Drucker had said, ‘At this stage in your life, it’s our job to release and direct energy, not to supply it.”




Dr. Darwin Chen

Chairman of Advisory Board, HKU SPACE

“Drucker once said ‘Management is the most important innovation in the 20th Century.’ Drucker believed that it is necessary to raise the productivity of knowledge workers in the 21st Century, as the success of the industry will rely on the innovation and courage of knowledge workers.”

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Dr. Jim Collins

Author of “Good to Great”

“Drucker gave freely of his wisdom, asking nothing in return. He simply wanted to contribute to my development at what was then a pivotal stage of my career.”

Dr. Bill Pollard

Chairman, Fairwyn Investment Company

“Leadership is not simply about the vision or desires of the leader. Rather, true leadership looks to the needs and abilities of those who are being led, true leadership entails taking responsibility for those who are following you.“

Rev. Dr. Rick Warren

Founder and Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church

“Peter was far more than a ‘Father of the Modern Management’, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, I met Peter when I was 21 years old, Peter is just not a teacher in my life, he was a personal mentor, This man changed my life.”

Mr. Bernard Chan

President, Asia Financial Group

“Drucker ’s view was that profit and social responsibility goes together, he suggests the more successful you are in maximizing return, the more you should be involved into the world around you.”





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All MLA Fellows have brought profound influence to the development of social welfare and business management. They also have thorough understandings of Drucker's management theories, of which they apply on the enterprise management. They are presented the titles of MLA Fellows, in recognition of their contributions to both development of business management and the society. We sincerely hope that they will continue with disseminating Drucker’s principles, and impact the society positively.

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