Dr. Jim Collins
Author of “Good to Great”

“In December of 1994, I pulled up to Peter Drucker’s house in my rental car…He gave freely of his wisdom, asking nothing in return. He simply wanted to contribute to my development at what was then a pivotal stage of my career; I was only thirty-six years of age with no significant reputation.”
-Dr. Jim Collins
Dr. Jim Collins earned his degrees in Business Administration and Mathematical Sciences from Stanford University, and worked in various multi-national companies after graduation. Dr. Jim Collins is a teacher and author who conducts research and coaches executives from the corporate and social sectors at the management laboratory he founded in Boulder, Colorado in 1995. He is an expert on enduring great companies, who devoted to the research on how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become great companies.
Dr. Jim Collins is the author of some of the bestselling business classics including “Good to Great” and “Built to Last” which is coauthored with Jerry I. Porras. “Built to Last” has been a fixture on the Business Week bestseller list for more than 6 years, and is coined by Harvard Business Review as “ Two most important management books in the 90s.”