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Rev. Dr. Rick Warren

Founder and Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church


Author of

“Purpose Driven Life”

“ Peter was far more than a ‘Father of the Modern Management’, one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century. I met Peter when I was 21 years old, Peter is just not a teacher in my life, he was a personal mentor. This man changed my life.”

                                                                                                             - Rev. Dr. Rick Warren



Rev. Dr. Rick Warren is the founder and senior pastor of the Saddleback Church in California. Warren received a Bachelor of Arts degree from California Baptist University, a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in California.


He also founded the Purpose Driven Network, a global movement of churches in 162 countries. Through this organization, over 400,000 ministers and priests have been trained worldwide in his theology and practical methods, which he writes of in his bestselling book “The Purpose Driven Life”, which was called by Forbes magazine as “the best book on entrepreneurship, management, and leadership in print.”


Rev. Dr. Warren has donated 90 per cent of their income into three foundations: Acts of Mercy, which serves those infected and affected by AIDS; Developing Leaders, which support the travel expenses for his preaching team and The Global PEACE Fund.  


As one of the world's most influential Christian leaders, in 2008 President-elect Barack Obama chose Rev. Dr. Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration ceremony, and since then Rev. Dr. Warren is praised as the “President Pastor”.

Address: Unit 07,

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